Painting You are GoldenMoon ValleyFields # IIIPinkolandFields # IIGray AreaMojave #1“Land#10” Fields # IV“Yellowland” ArrivingUnderwater BreathOrganiclandLooking for HerWatching OverFarawaylandDadalandSomewhere OverApricotSpring UpMy LandHer PlaceOut of the WoodsOrange DestinyFar AwayRespirationDark SideFigure 3Spring OutsideIn the middle of itUntitledBlue DaySummer VISummer IIISanta Fe #1Sand 1 Summer IVSummer VSounds of BlueSkyLightDark SpotCoralsea Blue SkyJapanseaYellow ArrowFall -1Spinal FusionYellow BirdBlack birdFigure 2Figure 1Figure 4